For more than 25 years, Headfirst has helped student-athletes succeed by guiding them to the right fit at high-academic colleges, using athletics as the key to the next level.
Our carefully curated events deliver a high concentration of academic college programs at a single facility for personal connection and 360-degree player exposure, including metrics, video, showcase reps, and live gameplay.
Headfirst provides dedicated face-to-face time with coaches, with a player-to-coach ratio of less than 4:1
Our formula and expert event staff allow coaches to prioritize evaluating and connecting with players rather than hitting fungoes and throwing batting practice.
Players get 3.5x more gameplay, and far more playing time, reps and on-field action than any other academic showcases. This means more opportunities to catch a coach’s eye and more chances to shine.
In just two days at Headfirst, your family gains more focused recruiting value than in months of travel and effort often spent pursuing unclear exposure at other events and tournaments.
“Headfirst Showcase Camps allow coaches to get an up-close look at the players in the camp. Not just evaluating them on the field, but also evaluating the players as people. The structure of the camp allows players to interact with coaches in the dugouts, on the field, and in a meeting session during the camp. This allows coaches to make the best evaluations on players and allows players to show not only their talent on the field, but also who they are as people. College coaches want great players on their teams. But, ultimately, they want great people and Headfirst allows players to showcase this.”
~ Coaching Staff, University of Virginia
“I have three sons, all baseball players, and I have seen them devote many hours and many years to practicing and playing in a host of different settings. The single most rewarding experience of them came at the Headfirst Showcase Camp on Long Island. The event is extraordinarily well-organized, the contact with the coaches is real, and my son found the experience enjoyable and valuable.”
~ Jerry S., Parent of Northeast Headfirst Showcase Camper
“Headfirst runs the best showcase for true student-athletes. The staff works hard to maximize the players’ time and energy while at Camp.”
~ Chris Young, Princeton University | 13-year MLB Career | General Manager, Texas Rangers